It all starts by getting to know you.

Our partnership starts by collaborating together to develop a social media content guide. We’ll provide three workshops that’ll help us both identify what makes your business stand out and create tangible goals for success.

The package set of workshops has been developed to focus on the core values of your business. Honing in on these qualities will help us get a better understanding of who you are and how you want to represent yourself on social media.

Workshop 01 /
Business + Audience

We’ll take a deep dive into the functions, services and goals of your business. Your target audience will also be identified so we know who your content is created for.

Workshop 02 /
Persona + Vibe

This workshop is focused on your brand characteristics. We’ll do that with fun activities to identify traits that will guide us in creating content that is a consistent representation of you.

Workshop 03 /
Inspo + Action

Here we’ll check out accounts of businesses in your industry and others you love to follow. This research will set the groundwork for us to confidently move forward together as a team.

What’s next?

creating a content guide workshop

Now that we’ve fully developed your content guide there are many ways for us to put it into play on Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest and all other platforms.

  • Partner with us full time to create consistent content on all platforms

  • Strategize a contact calendar for you to follow

  • You utilize the guide to create content in-house and as a training tool for your team

  • Create ads to promote your products and services

  • Contract us for projects like seasonal sales, showcasing services and more

  • Coordinating professional photo and video shoots

  • Improve your website with new content or fully upgrade to a new branded and functional site

  • Update your brand identity - logo, font and colours

These are just a few ideas for collaborating together.

However we decide to move forward, Sooo Good is fully here to support you in developing a strategy to create content that will set you up for success.

Ready to get started?

We work and live in the city we love!
Vancouver, BC